Mentoria Individual

ACESSORIA PERSONIFICADA MENTAL EMOCIONAL E ESPIRITUAL para mulheres vitimas de relacionamento abusivo Narcisista

Mentoria em Grupo

DESPERTAR DA DEUSA INTERIOR em busca do autoconhecimento e empoderamento feminino

Despertar da Deusa

A terapia com a Rachel foi transformadora! Sua escuta ativa e sabedoria me ajudaram a superar desafios e a me reconectar com minha essência feminina.

Ana Silva

Six women pose confidently in front of a vibrant, colorful mural depicting large floral designs. The background consists of pink, green, and red hues. Each woman is dressed in stylish, contemporary outfits, ranging from white dresses to casual tops and pants. Their expressions and poses convey a sense of strength and empowerment.
Six women pose confidently in front of a vibrant, colorful mural depicting large floral designs. The background consists of pink, green, and red hues. Each woman is dressed in stylish, contemporary outfits, ranging from white dresses to casual tops and pants. Their expressions and poses convey a sense of strength and empowerment.
